ISO 45001 certification required by Companies


If you are implementing an Occupational Health & Safety Management System in your organization (OHSMS) using the ISO 45001:2018 standard showcases your concern about the wellness of your employees.

What is the difference between implementation and certification?

It is really important to understand and discuss the difference between implementation and certification. Implementation is the process when you bring your plan to action. All the formulated procedures, norms, rules, policies etc are to be worked up on to meet the perquisites of ISO 45001:2015 Certification for your organization. 

Whereas Certification means to accomplish a particular standard in your organization and work according to its norms. It is separate from implementation. 

What is expected for certification?

The organization who decides to get certified with ISO standards, say ISO 45001 Certification, requires some legal documentation and implementation of some policies and norms before the auditors come to perform an audit for the certification. 

Once the audit is done, you will need also to take care that the following is ensured:

All processes implemented: – You must undergo and follow the legal procedures of the Certification and implement them. It is expected that you have established each process (set the process rules), implemented each process (ensured the rules are known and are monitored) and are maintaining each process (making sure that when rules change people know, and new people are informed of the rules). It is not acceptable to run incomplete processes.


OHSMS settled – In order to audit you will be required to have adequate records to demonstrate how your processes work. For this reason, certification auditors will want you to have used your OHSMS for a period of time to collect the records necessary to demonstrate this. 


All processes audited – One of the main elements to evaluate your OHSMS performance undergoing an internal audit. The certification auditors will expect that you have already performed an internal audit and can proceed further without any interference. 

 Management review completed – one more important point in OHSMS evaluation is the management review. Management review will help you re-check the availability of resources required.

Corrective actions taken – This is very casual that you will find non- conformities in the process during internal audit or management review.  These will help you to formulate the norms which can fulfil non-conformities. Also you will have an idea of what is lacking and how it can be achieved.


Improvements demonstrated: – Keeping the Occupational Health and Safety Management System as a priority, you will be evaluated one the basis of the norms you follow and regulations you adopt. There is a need for taking proper measures on the anticipated risks. The organization must work to revamp the structure of OH&SMS.


iso 45001 certification in kuwait


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    ISO 45001 Certification

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